Queen of Angels Online Giving
As Bishop Rhoades was generously willing to forgive the large debts our parish had been carrying for many years (much gratitude to our previous administrators and parishioners who worked to help pay it down!), he has asked that in response, we begin an increased offertory campaign. After prayerful consideration, we have named this effort "Rabbi, it is good that we are here!" as a reminder of the many blessings we have already received from the Lord. It is our hope that we will become ever stronger for the future generations of Queen of Angels parish!
Donations can be made from checking/savings accounts or Visa, Mastercard, or Discover cards to various funds including the Offertory, as well as the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Building & Grounds Maintenance fund, Flowers Fund (to beautifully adorn the church), and the special Diocesan collections throughout the year (Care of the Holy Land, Catholic Charities, Religious Retirement, etc). Online Giving will allow you to sign up for recurring donations or a one-time donation to a fund.
Our Sunday Visitor’s website adheres to all banking security standards and allows the flexibility to make changes at any time. Please visit www.osvhub.com/queenofangelsfw/funds or look for the "Donate Now" Option under the <Donate> menu at the top of our home page. For any questions about setting up an Online Giving account, please contact Desirée Hilger at 260-482-9411.
Contributing to Queen of Angels Parish Catholic Community Foundation Endowment is a way to support Queen of Angels forever! Distributions can be taken annually from our endowments or the balance can continue to build to be able to receive a larger distribution in the future for upkeep of our parish for years to come.
New endowments can also be established to support very specific needs such as textbooks, technology, religious education, tuition assistance, etc.
Consider establishing a new endowment in memory of a family member, parish staff, or school staff to perpetually support Queen of Angels.
Please visit Catholic Community Foundation of Northeast Indiana at www.ccfnei.org or 260-399-1436.
Please click on the following link to donate specifically to Queen of Angels Parish Endowment.
Funding the Queen of Angels School Catholic Community Foundation Endowment will support the needs of Queen of Angels School for many generations where students will grow spiritually and academically in a faith-centered environment.
A distribution from the Queen of Angels School Endowment taken in 2020 was able to purchase new doors for the entrance of the school building.
Please visit the link below to donate specifically to the Queen of Angels School Endowment.
Donations to support the Monsignor Faber Activities Center Endowment will continually support the upkeep of the Queen of Angels Activity Center for sporting events, school activities, parish events and family gatherings.
A distribution from the Queen of Angels Faber Activities Center Endowment taken in 2020 was able to purchase new doors for the Queen of Angels Activities Center and to finish covering the insulation on the interior walls.
Please visit the link below to donate specifically to the Queen of Angels Monsignor Faber Endowment.