2024 marks the 77th anniversary of Queen of Angels Parish!
Our Parish currently numbers 465 registered/active households and 152 children in our school (Pre-School through 8th Grade).
Each of our weekday Masses includes our school students.
Our church is open for private prayer from 7am-8pm during the week!
On July 8, 1947 Archbishop John F. Noll assigned Fr. William Faber to establish a new parish north of Fort Wayne for parishioners living in that area who had been attending Most Precious Blood. More than four years went by before this new parish, to be named Queen of Angels, began to function independently.
May 22, 1950 was the Big Day –– Groundbreaking, then the beginning of construction. A severe winter delayed construction from November, 1950 until late March, 1951. Queen of Angels School was able to open on September 21, 1951 with the Precious Blood Sisters agreeing to staff the school. Sr. Mary Sienna Langhois was the first principal, and 83 students were enrolled; the school consisted of two classrooms containing four grades.
The first Mass was celebrated in the barely completed Church on October 6, 1951 – a Wedding Mass! On the next day, October 7, 1951, the Feast of the Holy Rosary, Msgr. Charles Feltes, Chancellor of the Fort Wayne Diocese, dedicated the Church. Queen of Angels Parish at this time had 255 registered families.
Through many parishioners' hard work and sacrifices, a long-desired Activities Center was added in the Spring of 1998 which includes a gym, kitchen, and meeting rooms. The Activities Center was named for our founding pastor, Msgr. William Faber, who joined us to celebrate our Parish's 50th Anniversary Mass and the official groundbreaking on September 14, 1997.
In 2021, we started our own Knights of Columbus Council (#17867), under the patronage of St. Joseph, Terror of Demons. See here for more info.
On August 1, 2022, Fr. Spenser St. Louis was installed as the 11th pastor of Queen of Angels. He is a native of Fort Wayne and attended seminary at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, and the Gregorian University and Angelicum University in Rome, Italy.
At the Easter Vigil in 2023, seventeen people (including three children) were baptized into the Catholic faith, and fourteen received the Sacrament of Confirmation. This was one of the largest RCIA classes in recent memory at the parish, largely due to evangelization efforts begun in the school that led students and parents into the Church together.
It remains our pleasure to serve the Fort Wayne area northwest of downtown! Come pray with us!
Every Catholic Parish is required to have a Finance Council to advise and assist the pastor in matters related to parish finances and administration. Members meet monthly to discuss the current status and future financial goals of the parish.
At present, the members of the Finance Committee are:
Tim Kearney (Chairman)
Alan Bell
Brandon Hathaway
Suzie Jordan
Willie Romero
Financial questions, concerns, or suggestions can be directed to Fr. Spenser or Tim ([email protected]).